MW GM Bro. Kassy Parker
Grand Master
Grand Lodge of Modern Mixed Masons, International
Manus Multae Cor Unum - Many Hands One Heart
Our meetings in Cheshire meet in Stalybridge in Greater Manchester. For those in the west of the county, we meet just across the border in Saltney, outside Chester; these are listed in the Flintshire Inspectorate for more details. We are planning more lodges for the South of the county, centred around Crewe and Nantwich and welcome any new members from this area as founding Brothers.
Please contact us for more information.
We have some very interesting rituals and degrees that range from the Craft Lodges to Chivalric Orders.
Craft Lodge
Lodge Pentalpha No. 15
​Meetings are held 4 times a year on Sunday afternoon
Chivalric Orders working under the Great Priory
Loyal Volunteers Knight Templar Preceptory No.3
Holy Trinity Knight Malta Priory No.2
Devs Vobiscum Knight Templar Priests Tabernacle No.2
Magnum Bonum Knight Beneficent of the Holy City Prefecture No.2
​Becket St.Thomas of Acon Chapel No.2
Additional Degrees working under the Supreme Council 33rd Degree
Northern Glory Order of Holy Wisdom College
Ancient & Accepted Rite working under the Supreme Council 33rd Degree
Nancy Hill Rose Croix Chapter 18th Degree No.5
Grand Imperial Conclave of the Red Cross of Constantine United Services
Red Cross of Constantine Conclave No.3
The True Order of the Rosy Cross
John Yarker TORC College No.2
Grand Court of the Masonic Order of Athelstan
Stavelegh Order of Athelstan Court No.2
RWBro Andrew Branscombe AGM
Grand Inspector for Cheshire