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Lisa's Experience


At the beginning of 2023, I had never even heard of the Grand Lodge of Modern Mixed Masons (GLMMM).

I will, however, finish 2023, as a woman in a mixed Masonic Craft Lodge, under the auspices of the GLMMM.

I stumbled across Lodge Valiant - No:18 when googling about all things Masonic (whilst I must admit, quietly grumbling to myself that the good stuff seemed to be male only).

Lodge Valiant is currently small, but arguably perfectly formed; with a committed core group of Brethren who come together to learn, take pride in understanding and delivering meaningful Masonic ritual and are keen to see the group and each other grow.

Ritual has already become a firm favourite of my time at the Lodge, and I look forward to the day when our Lodge has enough Members that none of us have to take on more than one role in a ritual.

The physicalities of ritual are of course what we see in the lodge, but perhaps more important, is what we feel and experience; and this comes from the beginning to make sense of the symbolism and deeper esoteric meaning of Masonic ritual.

I don’t see my Masonic journey as having a destination. I have started a journey in which ritual is allowing me to explore inner lived experiences from within an esoteric framework, where hidden meaning begins to emerge.

As part of my extended Masonic ritual interests, I have recently had the honour of being enthroned as Preceptor of a newly formed Templar Knights Preceptory.

I’m ending 2023 as Master Mason and Eminent Knight, and an open mind as to where this journey will lead.



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